Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Beginning of Our Expedition

The start of a new semester is always great. It means a fresh start and new beginnings. Even though I am in my third year of college, I still get nervous on the first day of classes. This means that I am nervous on Monday and then again on Tuesday. For about 2 or 3 days I am just a nervous wreck. One would think that by now I would have the basics of The First Day of School down pat, right? I do for the most part. The nerves usually come from rumors regarding the class I am about to begin, and if I will know anyone in case I miss a day, or get sick, forget to write down homework, etc.

Walking into class I was pretty nervous. My nerves were relieved when I saw a ton of people I already knew from previous education classes. I can check that off my list of things to be nervous about. Next was all of the rumors about the class pouring into my mind one by one.

The name tag ice breaker was a great way to start the class. Other than refreshing everyones names in my head after a long 3 months of summer, I think it really gave all of the students a solid goal. I know people set goals for themselves all of the time, but when we were all asked to think of a teacher that we had a positive social studies experience with, in my opinion, a goal was formed right then and there. From this class I want to gain the knowledge and the skills to be as good of a social studies teacher as my 5th grade social studies teacher.

The one thing I heard about this class is that it is a lot of work. From the first two days, I can see that this class will require a tremendous amount of time, effort and work; but I whole heartedly believe that by the end of the semester when the class draws to a close, all of that time, effort, and work will be so worth it.